03 October 2020

張泌 Zhang Bi: 寄人 To Someone

Here is yet another old rendition of mine not posted on this blog.  (It was first posted in the "Forum" website of the "Hong Kong Economic Journal" 信報網站 on 8 October 2010.) Here we go:

Zhang Bi (Tang Dynasty, years unknown): To Someone


1      Departed, I return in dream, to linger at your house once more ---

2      Turning, merging, zigzagging: that same balustrade corridor.

3      O none but the moon so loving, o’er the autumn courtyard shines,

4      Still shines for me, the absentee, on the flowers lie fallen a-floor.


Translated by Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa)  譯者:黃宏發

19th April 2010 (revised 20.4.10; 21.4.10; 22.4.10; 16.9.10; polished 22.9.2020)

Translated from the original - 張泌: 寄人


1      別夢依依到謝家

2      小廊迴合曲闌斜

3      多情只有秋庭月

4      猶為離人照落花



*  Form, Metre and Rhyme:  This English rendition is in hexameter (6 metrical feet) while the original quatrain is in 7-character lines.  The rhyme scheme is AAxA as in the original.

*  Line 1:  I have taken 依依 to mean 依依不舍 which means reluctant, cannot bear to be separated and have used “return … to linger at (after considering “to cling to”) … once more” to convey this meaning.  謝家 (Xie house) refers to the abode of the addressee’s family and is rendered simply as “in your house”.  It may be of interest to note that (Xie) could have been used by the poet to allude to the high and mighty Xie family of the Eastern Jin (東晉) dynasty (317-420) to suggest it was the lady’s powerful and rich family (with Xie to stand for high social standing) and not the lady herself who rejected the poet’s marriage proposal.  In my view, this poem as a whole should be taken as a lament of love unrequited for whatever cause, and not of the evil of 門當户對 (well-matched in social status) marriages which is only obliquely alluded to in the one single word Xie.  I believe my decision to omit this possible allusion is entirely reasonable.

*  Line 2:  I have taken 小廊 (little corridor) and (railing) to mean a covered passageway with railings connecting the buildings and/or the gardens and grounds, hence, rendered as “that same balustrade corridor”.  I have taken the remaining 4 characters: (go round, turn) (join, merge) (crooked, angular) and (slant), to refer to a zigzag or crisscross pattern advancing diagonally and have decided for “Turning, merging, zigzagging” after considering “Parting, joining, zigzagging” and “Diverging, merging, crisscrossing”.

*  Line 3:  多情 is not taken to mean amorous, but caring, full of love, etc., hence, rendered as “in empathy”.

*  Line 4:  For 落花, I had considered “flowers strewn/ scattered” and have decided for “flowers lie fallen”.  I have coined the word “a-floor” to mean on the ground or floor, which is added for the ‘-or’ end rhyme. 


WC♋ said...

Hello, just found your blog. I am just getting into Chinese poetry and I really appreciate your translation work! Can I request 送友人 and 劳劳亭 by 李白 and 惜牡丹花 by 白居易 next? I love these poems in Chinese but I feel the English translations don't really do them justice. Keep up the amazing work!

pmt said...

I translate Tang poems into Vietnamese and your web page is a great reference. I am working on the 張泌 - 寄人 and find that yours is the only version with 秋 in line 3, which I like. Do you have a reference?

Andrew W.F. Wong 黃宏發 said...

Dear Unknown, The word 秋 autumn is in line 3 itself. We don't need a reference. If you wish, you may add a remark that the moon is at its brightest in autumn, that the moon and autumn are closely associated. Note the frequent use of 秋月 autumn moon. Andrew Wong.

pmt said...

Dear Andrew
Thank you for responding to my question. By reference I meant an ancient book that published the poem. I could find books such as:

御定全唐詩-清-聖祖玄燁 https://ctext.org/library.pl?if=en&file=71902&page=27
唐音-元-楊士弘 https://sou-yun.cn/eBookIndex.aspx?kanripoId=KR4h0083_014#page_14-22b
才調集-蜀-韋縠 https://sou-yun.cn/eBookIndex.aspx?kanripoId=KR4h0019_004#page_4-17a

that used the word 春spring instead of 秋autumn.

Tam Phi


Classical Chinese Poems in English


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