On 12 November 2017, I posted here "10 Most Popular Tang Dynasty Poems in Hong Kong, Second 5" (link), being my rendition of poems #6 to #10 on that list of 10. To complete the list, I am giving you today my rendition of the top 5 poems. Again, for my notes, please go to the links attached to the respective poems.
FIFTH <#5> 第五名:樂游原 作者:李商隱
Li Shangyin (813-858): Ascending the
Pleasurable Plateau
It’s late in the day, my heart’s not well at ease;
To the ancient plateau, up, in a carriage I go.
Sublime is the time while the sun is yet to set;
Too soon, alas, is dusky darkness to follow.
It’s late in the day, my heart’s not well at ease;
To the ancient plateau, up, in a carriage I go.
Sublime is the time while the sun is yet to set;
Too soon, alas, is dusky darkness to follow.
FOURTH <#4> 第四名:登鸛雀樓 作者:王之渙
Zhihuan (688-742): Ascending the Stork Tower
Over the mountains, the white sun daily sets,
And into the ocean, the Yellow River
Wishing to eye---the view of a thousand miles,
A floor, a floor more: up the stairs
one goes.
這首詩將普通的登高望遠寫出了豪邁的氣勢,全是不僅形式優美,其中蘊含的進取精神更是讓後人動容。沈德唐詩別》中選錄這首詩時曾指出:“四語皆對,讀來不嫌其排,骨高故也。” 有人將這首詩評為五絕之首。
THIRD <#3> 第三名:靜夜思 作者:李白
Li Bai (701-762): Night Thoughts
Before my bed, the moon shines bright;
Be it frost aground? I suppose it might.
I lift my head, the moon to behold, then
Lower it, musing: I'm homesick tonight.
Before my bed, the moon shines bright;
Be it frost aground? I suppose it might.
I lift my head, the moon to behold, then
Lower it, musing: I'm homesick tonight.
SECOND <#2> 第二名:清明 作者: 杜牧
Du Mu (803-852):
Qingming, Early April
‘Tis Qingming, early April, a season of mizzles and gloom
Away from home, a wayfarer, faring into gloom and doom.
O where can be found a tavern, my good lad, if I may ask?
There! points the herd-boy to a village where apricots bloom.
‘Tis Qingming, early April, a season of mizzles and gloom
Away from home, a wayfarer, faring into gloom and doom.
O where can be found a tavern, my good lad, if I may ask?
There! points the herd-boy to a village where apricots bloom.
FIRST <#1> 第一名:遊子吟 作者:孟郊
Meng Jiao (751-814): Song of the Travelling
Son - Written at Liyang on Mother's Arrival
Sewing-thread in hand, the loving mother;
Clothes for the son to wear, her travelling son.
On and on she sews, his leaving now nears;
Stitch on stitch, she fears -- a
delayed reunion.
How shall my heart of a mere grass seedling, ever
Repay the embracing rays of her ever spring sun!
Repay the embracing rays of her ever spring sun!